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RouteYellow Medicine County (1372)
Location Minnesota, USA
Survey date 2025-02-12
Survey ID2126

Survey Conditions

Survey Date: 2025-02-12Start Time: 09:00:00End Time: 11:30:00
Temperature-18 (C)-15 (C)
Cloud Cover100 (%)100 (%)
Visibility4 (km)3 (km)
Precipitation0: None1: Haze or Fog
Wind Speed2: 6-11 km/h (4-7 mph)2: 6-11 km/h (4-7 mph)
Wind DirectionNNWNNW
Snow Depth1 (in)1 (in)
Observer 1Benji Inniger
Observer 2
Observer 3
Observer 4
NotesMy first attempt at Yellow Medicine County. Constructed the route from sat imagery trying to pass by as many WMAs as possible, as well as following the Yellow Medicine and Minnesota River valleys. I was pleasantly surprised by the quantity of prairie habitat.

Survey Sightings

BE (Bald Eagle)09:05:001Perched Adult•wetland/pond/marsh/riparian•stubble agriculture•grassland
BE (Bald Eagle)09:20:001Perched Immature•wetland/pond/marsh/riparian•grassland
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)09:50:001Perched DarkAdult•stubble agriculture
BE (Bald Eagle)09:55:001Flying Perched Adult•roadsides•animal agriculture
RL (Rough-legged Hawk)10:05:001Flying Perched •stubble agriculture
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)10:20:001Perched •forested•wetland/pond/marsh/riparian
RL (Rough-legged Hawk)10:25:001Perched •forested
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)10:45:001Perched Intermediate•forested•wetland/pond/marsh/riparian

Survey totals by species

SpeciesTotal Count
BE (Bald Eagle)3
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)3
RL (Rough-legged Hawk)2