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RouteBlue Earth County--Garden City (1363)
Location Minnesota, USA
Survey date 2025-01-25
Survey ID2088

Survey Conditions

Survey Date: 2025-01-25Start Time: 15:30:00End Time: 17:30:00
Temperature26 (C)22 (C)
Cloud Cover10 (%)0 (%)
Visibility8 (km)8 (km)
Precipitation0: None0: None
Wind Speed4: 20-28 km/h (13-18 mph)3: 12-19 km/h (8-12 mph)
Wind DirectionNNWN
Snow Depth0 (in)0 (in)
Observer 1Benji Inniger
Observer 2Alyssa Inniger
Observer 3
Observer 4
NotesBeautiful sunny day, albeit a little breezy. All water was at a hard freeze and was interested how that might affect raptor movement.

Survey Sightings

BE (Bald Eagle)15:40:001Perched Adult•stubble agriculture
NH (Northern Harrier)16:15:001Flying •dirt agriculture
UA (Unknown Accipiter)16:20:001Flying •stubble agriculture
AK (American Kestrel)16:55:001Flying Perched •grassland

Survey totals by species

SpeciesTotal Count
BE (Bald Eagle)1
NH (Northern Harrier)1
UA (Unknown Accipiter)1
AK (American Kestrel)1