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RouteHMANA WRS - Albany County, WY (1263)
Location Wyoming, United States
Survey date 2024-02-24
Survey ID2021

Survey Conditions

Survey Date: 2024-02-24Start Time: 09:40:00End Time: 12:10:00
Temperature3 (C)6 (C)
Cloud Cover0 (%)0 (%)
Visibility100 (km)100 (km)
Precipitation0: None0: None
Wind Speed5: 29-38 km/h (19-24 mph)5: 29-38 km/h (19-24 mph)
Wind DirectionSSWSSW
Snow Depth4 (in)4 (in)
Observer 1Rob Spaul
Observer 2Jade Simon
Observer 3
Observer 4
NotesNo RLHAs today :(

Survey Sightings

PR (Prairie Falcon)09:45:001Flying •grassland•desert•animal agriculture
BE (Bald Eagle)09:50:001Perched Adult•grassland•desert•animal agriculture•shrubland
GE (Golden Eagle)10:15:001Perched •desert•shrubland•animal agriculture•grassland
GE (Golden Eagle)10:15:001Perched Immature•desert•shrubland•animal agriculture•grassland
BE (Bald Eagle)10:30:001Perched Adult•wetland/pond/marsh/riparian•shrubland•animal agriculture•grassland
BE (Bald Eagle)10:45:001Flying Adult•wetland/pond/marsh/riparian•shrubland•animal agriculture•hayfields
PR (Prairie Falcon)10:50:001Perched •desert•grassland•shrubland•roadsides
GE (Golden Eagle)11:20:002Flying Adult•desert•grassland•animal agriculture•roadsides
GE (Golden Eagle)11:30:001Perched •desert•grassland•shrubland•roadsides
GE (Golden Eagle)11:40:001Flying Adult•desert•grassland•animal agriculture•roadsides

Survey totals by species

SpeciesTotal Count
PR (Prairie Falcon)2
BE (Bald Eagle)3
GE (Golden Eagle)6