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RouteTreadwell Creek (1282)
Location New York, USA
Survey date 2024-12-20
Survey ID1996

Survey Conditions

Survey Date: 2024-12-20Start Time: 08:00:00End Time: 13:00:00
Temperature-3 (C)-4 (C)
Cloud Cover100 (%)100 (%)
Visibility5 (km)3 (km)
Precipitation0: None5: Snow
Wind Speed1: 1-5 km/h (1-3 mph)1: 1-5 km/h (1-3 mph)
Wind DirectionEE
Snow Depth6 (in)7 (in)
Observer 1Pamela Peters
Observer 2Landa Palmer
Observer 3Linda Burkhart
Observer 4
Notes Generally warm fall late into November, then a couple of good snows late November and December, including 2" last night, 4" night before. Snow started at 12n today reducing visibility and cutting our route short by about 10 miles.
Saw a red fox (chasing?) and a mink shortly after 8am heading up Tupper Hill Rd. They were on side of road and ran along stone wall edge of field.
Expecting single digits and sub-zero F this weekend.
Had seen two AKs at a farm on our route three days this week, but not observed today.

Survey Sightings

RT (Red-tailed Hawk)08:00:001Perched Adult•hayfields
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)08:25:001Perched Adult•animal agriculture•forested
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)08:50:001Perched Adult•fallow agriculture•forested
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)09:05:001Perched Adult•shrubland
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)09:10:001Perched Adult•forested
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)09:15:001Flying Perched Adult•forested
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)09:25:001Flying Perched Adult•forested•shrubland
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)09:40:001Perched Adult•roadsides
CH (Cooper's Hawk)10:15:001Flying •forested
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)10:15:001Soaring Adult•forested
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)10:15:001Perched Adult•forested
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)10:30:001Perched Adult•animal agriculture•shrubland
RL (Rough-legged Hawk)11:30:001Perched Light•roadsides•animal agriculture
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)11:50:001Perched •shrubland•forested
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)11:55:001Perched Adult•wetland/pond/marsh/riparian
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)12:30:001Perched Adult•animal agriculture
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)13:00:001Perched Adult•animal agriculture

Survey totals by species

SpeciesTotal Count
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)15
CH (Cooper's Hawk)1
RL (Rough-legged Hawk)1