Survey Map


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RouteIA Foulk Rd to LaPorte City (1249)
Location Iowa, United States
Survey date 2024-02-10
Survey ID1893

Survey Conditions

Survey Date: 2024-02-10Start Time: 09:20:00End Time: 10:20:00
Temperature0 (C)0 (C)
Cloud Cover100 (%)80 (%)
Visibility10 (km)10 (km)
Precipitation0: None0: None
Wind Speed3: 12-19 km/h (8-12 mph)4: 20-28 km/h (13-18 mph)
Wind DirectionNNWNNW
WaterPartly frozenPartly frozen
Snow Depth0 (in)0 (in)
Observer 1Candace Havely
Observer 2Mark Heisdorffer
Observer 3
Observer 4
NotesNote: Due to subzero temps and drifted snow on the county roads we were not able to do the January survey for this route, so we will just have Dec and Feb data for the 2023-24 year.

Survey Sightings

AK (American Kestrel)09:20:001Flying •stubble agriculture•roadsides
BE (Bald Eagle)09:20:002Perched Adult•stubble agriculture•developed•roadsides
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)09:25:001Perched Immature•stubble agriculture•wetland/pond/marsh/riparian
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)09:55:001Flying •stubble agriculture•roadsides
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)09:55:001Soaring •stubble agriculture
BE (Bald Eagle)10:05:001Soaring Adult•stubble agriculture
BE (Bald Eagle)10:10:002Perched Adult•wetland/pond/marsh/riparian

Survey totals by species

SpeciesTotal Count
AK (American Kestrel)1
BE (Bald Eagle)5
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)3