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RouteSouth and East Boulder, Stearns Lake; CO (1266)
Location Colorado, USA
Survey date 2024-02-20
Survey ID1870

Survey Conditions

Survey Date: 2024-02-20Start Time: 09:40:00End Time: 13:10:00
Temperature15 (C)19 (C)
Cloud Cover5 (%)25 (%)
Visibility18 (km)18 (km)
Precipitation0: None0: None
Wind Speed4: 20-28 km/h (13-18 mph)2: 6-11 km/h (4-7 mph)
Wind DirectionWW
Snow Depth0 (in)0 (in)
Observer 1Ajit Antony
Observer 2Liza Antony
Observer 3
Observer 4
Notes This was a very peculiar Winter Raptor Survey in that we had only about a third of the number of raptors were usually see on this route. This is the lowest number of raptors for this survey, and we have done 5 others, both last season and this. The night before, the forecast for Boulder county predicted 21-25 mph winds with gusts to 48 mph, and there was the same forecast early morning. We wondered whether to cancel the survey, but looking up Boulder (the city) the forecast was only 14-16 mph winds with gusts to 25 mph. We decided that we could start and if there were no raptors we could abort the survey. It took us 45 minutes to see the 1st raptor, where normally we would see 1-2 within the first 5 minutes! During the first 45 minutes when we didn't see any raptors we kept wondering with her to abort the survey, checking the wind in case that was the problem and most of the time we had only light to moderate winds perhaps 8-10 mph. At other times during the day there were only Level 2 winds.
We had no kestrel,and no Ferruginous Hawk for the day.
The only good part about the survey is that it only took me 40 minutes to enter the data, where with the large number of raptors we usually see, it takes me 2-2.5 hours to complete the report!

Survey Sightings

BE (Bald Eagle)10:30:001Soaring Immature•wetland/pond/marsh/riparian
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)10:35:001Soaring
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)10:50:001Soaring
BE (Bald Eagle)10:55:001Perched Adult•wetland/pond/marsh/riparian•grassland
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)11:55:001Soaring
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)12:20:001Flying Perched LightAdult•wetland/pond/marsh/riparian•grassland•shrubland
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)12:25:001Soaring LightAdult
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)12:25:001Perched LightAdultFemale•grassland•developed•roadsides
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)12:25:001Flying Perched LightAdultMale•grassland•developed•roadsides
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)12:30:001Perched Light•grassland•shrubland
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)12:30:001Flying Light•shrubland•grassland•shrubland
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)12:40:001Perched •grassland
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)12:50:001Flying •roadsides•developed
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)13:00:001Perched LightAdult•roadsides•developed•grassland
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)13:05:001Flying Perched Light•roadsides•grassland•developed
BE (Bald Eagle)13:10:001Perched Immature•roadsides•grassland

Survey totals by species

SpeciesTotal Count
BE (Bald Eagle)3
RT (Red-tailed Hawk)13